Speech and Language Therapy

Approaches to develop attention and listening
Introduction to Attention Autism
Introduction to Brick by Brick (Lego Therapy)
Colourful Semantics
Developing a Total Communication approach in Specialist Settings
ICAN Primary Talk
Identifying and Supporting Developmental Language Disorder
Importance of using visual supports
Information Carrying Words (ICWs)
Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Introduction to Intensive Interaction
Introduction to Language for Behaviour and Emotions
Introduction to Language for Thinking
Makaton Level 1
Makaton Level 2
Makaton Taster Session
Maximising Communication Potential (Adults with learning difficulties)
Natural Language Acquisition vs Gestalt Language Processing
Parent workshops
Sensory Sentences
Supporting children who stammer
Supporting narrative skills across the curriculum
Supporting social communication
Supporting speech sound difficulties
Talk for Work
TalkBoost KS1
TalkBoost KS2
The Role of a Communication Champion
Understanding and supporting Selective Mutism in Secondary Schools
Understanding the link between SEMH and SLCN
Vocabulary Learning
Wellcomm Early Years
Wellcomm Primary
Word Aware 1 (Primary)
Word Aware 2 (EYFS)
Word Aware 3 (small-group interventions)

Coming Soon
Aided Language Displays
Bilingualism and SLCN
Developing higher level thinking skills (Blanks Levels of Questioning)


Occupational Therapy

Parent workshops
School Readiness
Supporting fine motor skills
Supporting handwriting in the classroom
Supporting motor coordination
Supporting Sensory Processing differences
The Role of an Occupational Therapy Champion

Coming Soon
Avoidance Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

© West Midlands Speech & Language Therapy 2018

Website By: BeMoreROAR